Zakład Produkcji
Odzieży Ochronnej Żaroodpornej

ul. Długa 15B
58-521 Jeżów Sudecki

NIP: 611-010-00-88
Tel. 004875 767 58 19
Tel. kom. +48606 82 22 31
Fax 004875 713 26 25
e-mail: biuro@termoizol.pl

Heat resistant clothing

iron works,  high temperature             

Protective heat-resistant apron 

type OF-52 (on a strap)

The product complies with the principal safety and health requirements specified in the directive 89/686/EWG/ and the order issued by the Minister of Economy, Employment and Social Policy on March 31, 2003 regarding the basic requirements for individual protection means (Law Gazette No. 80, item 725). 

The item complies with: PN-EN ISO 11612:2015

Protection class: 

Product marking in accordance with PN-EN ISO 11612:2015 determines the resistance grade of the material the product is made of. The achieved protection class:

A1 - 1 surface ignition, bottom edge ignition.
B1 - 1 convective heat.
C4 - 4 radiant heat.
D3 - 3 molten aluminium splash.
E3 - 3 molten iron splash.
F1 - 1 contact heat.

Note: the higher class means a higher level of resistance



The apron should be used with other protective clothing. 


The apron is designed to protect the worker from flames, liquid metal splash, slag spattering, and intense heat radiation.


The apron OF-52 is made of the following materials: 

  • metallised glass fibre 
  • non-flammable impregnated cotton fibre